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5-Aminolevulinic Acid

Main ingredients: 5-Aminolevulinic acid

Product form: Liquid


5-Aminolevulinic acid:≥25g/L

5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA or ALA for short), molecular formula C5H9N03. It is an essential precursor for the biosynthesis of tetrapyrrole compounds such as heme, chlorophyll, and vitamin B12, and is important for plant photosynthesis and cellular energy metabolism Impact.

By using ALA products, the chlorophyll content in plant chloroplasts can be effectively increased. Because ALA is an essential prerequisite for chlorophyll biosynthesis. It can regulate the synthesis of chlorophyll to improve photosynthetic efficiency and respiration efficiency, and produce more sugars, enzymes and energy for plant growth.

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