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 The Differences between Hydrolyzed amino acid and Enzymatic amino acid

source: time: 2023-04-26 09:31:00

As we all know, there are many kinds of amino acids, among which 18 are essential for plant growth. Therefore, amino acids also play a very important role in agricultural organic fertilizers, so today i want to introduce Hydrolyzed amino acid and Enzymatic amino acid which are very popular in the market.


Hydrolyzed amino acids are generally divided into hydrochloric acid hydrolysis (containing chlorine) and sulfuric acid hydrolysis (without chlorine). Its production process is intense with strong acids added. In general, due to the different  extraction technology,  normal amino acid is through sulfuric acid hydrolysis, destroys macromolecular structure of amino acids, makes amino acids exist in small molecular structure, so the content of free amino acid is high, all hydrolyzed amino acids 

have a high content of free amino acids.

Enzymatic amino acid using papaya proteinase for enzymatic hydrolysis process, its production process is mild, no chemical additives. It is extracted in moderate fermentation environment, so the molecular structure of the amino acids are not destoried by strong acid, amino acids exist in macromolecular structure such as 

Polypeptide, oligopeptide.

Both type products have high surface activity and adsorption capacity, can be used for foliar application or for the production of formulated liquid fertilizer.

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